The Extra Horizon SDK can be used on different platforms, each handling binary data slightly different. So we've collected a few examples on how to upload/download binary data for each of the supported platforms.
In browsers the File and Blob classes can be used for uploads.
// A file token pointing to a text file containing 'Hello, world!'
const fileToken = '66030067d7342660dbc63303-49e4fa23-2079-4b91-acb1-5221ecee8393';
const arrayBuffer = await exh.files.retrieve(fileToken);
const content = await new Response(arrayBuffer).text();
console.log(content); // Shows 'Hello, world!'
React Native
Currently React Native provides limited support for binary data upload using FormData. As this is the basis for our file upload, for now only uploading from the file system is properly supported.
import * as ImagePicker from 'expo-image-picker';
const fileName = 'myImage.jpeg'; // File name is not returned by the picker on iOS
const imagePickerResult = await ImagePicker.launchCameraAsync();
const image = imagePickerResult.assets[0];
const uploadResult = await exh.files.create(fileName, {
uri: image.uri,
name: fileName,
type: image.mimeType, // Must be a valid MIME type, so not just `image.type`
Download example
// A file token pointing to a text file containing 'Hello, world!'
const fileToken = '66030067d7342660dbc63303-49e4fa23-2079-4b91-acb1-5221ecee8393';
const arrayBuffer = await exh.files.retrieve(fileToken);
const content = await new Response(arrayBuffer).text();
console.log(content); // Shows 'Hello, world!'
The form-datapackage is used to allow strings, buffers and streams to be uploaded.