

RQL, or Resource Query Language, is a query language used for querying and manipulating resources through the URI. RQL provides the ability to filter, sort, paginate, and project data. More info on the RQL capabilities of the Extra Horizon platform can be found here.


The Extrahorizon Javascript SDK also export an rqlBuilder to build valid RQL strings.

import { rqlBuilder } from "@extrahorizon/javascript-sdk";

const rql = rqlBuilder().select("name").eq("name", "fitbit").build();
// ?select(name)&eq(name,fitbit)

An example using the rqlBuilder to compose a complex RQL query to request documents having a heartRate between 40 and 50 or where the indicator field has the value warning.

import { rqlBuilder } from "@extrahorizon/javascript-sdk";

const rql = rqlBuilder()
        rqlBuilder().lt("data.heartRate", "50").intermediate(),
        rqlBuilder().gt("data.heartRate", "40").intermediate()
    rqlBuilder().eq("data.indicator", "warning").intermediate()
  .select(["id", "name", "data.heartRate", "data.indicator"])

// ?or(and(lt(data.heartRate,50),gt(data.heartRate,40)),eq(data.indicator,warning))&select(id,name,data.heartRate,data.indicator)
const result = await{ rql });

Automatic double encoding of values

Available since v8.0.0

Each value passed to the operators of the rqlBuilder undergoes double encoding to enable the searching of special characters. More information on why values need to be double encoded can be found here.

Disable automatic double encoding

We strongly advise against disabling automatic double encoding. To deactivate double encoding for all queries generated with the rqlBuilder, you add the following line to the start of your application: rqlBuilder.doubleEncodeValues = false; For disabling double encoding on a per-query basis, you can utilize the options parameter in the rqlBuilder constructor like this: rqlBuilder({ doubleEncode: false })


You can also use the rqlParser function and pass in your own string.

import { rqlParser } from "@extrahorizon/javascript-sdk";

const rql = rqlParser(

// ?or(and(lt(data.heartRate,50),gt(data.heartRate,40)),eq(data.indicator,warning))&select(id,name,data.heartRate,data.indicator)
const result = await{ rql });

Raw Requests

You can use the underlying Axios instance (after authentication) to call endpoints not yet wrapped by this SDK.

import { createOAuth2Client } from "@extrahorizon/javascript-sdk";

(async () => {
  const exh = createOAuth2Client({
    host: "",
    clientId: "",

  await exh.auth.authenticate({
    password: "",
    username: "",

  const me = (await exh.raw.get("/users/v1/me")).data;
  console.log("Me", me);


You can pass in two logger function that will be called by Axios on every request/response respectively.

import AxiosLogger from "axios-logger";

const exh = createOAuth2Client({
  host: "",
  clientId: '',
  requestLogger: AxiosLogger.requestLogger,
  responseLogger: AxiosLogger.responseLogger,

await exh.auth.authenticate({
  refreshToken: 'refreshToken'


[Axios][Request] POST /auth/v2/oauth2/token {"grant_type":"refresh_token","refresh_token":"refreshToken"}
[Axios][Response] POST /auth/v2/oauth2/token 200:OK {"access_token":"accessToken","token_type":"bearer","expires_in":299.999,"refresh_token":"refreshToken","user_id":"userId","application_id":"applicationId"}

[Axios][Request] GET /auth/v2/health
[Axios][Response] GET /auth/v2/health 200:OK



The package also exports a mockSdk you can use in your tests. In this example jest is used as testing library.

import { getMockSdk } from "@extrahorizon/javascript-sdk";

describe("mock SDK", () => {
  const exh = getMockSdk<jest.Mock>(jest.fn);
  it("should be valid mock", async () => {

If you are using jest. You can create a file under your __mocks__/@extrahorizon/ called javascript-sdk.ts and add the following content:

import { getMockSdk } from "@extrahorizon/javascript-sdk";

export const exh = getMockSdk<jest.Mock>(jest.fn);

const createOAuth1Client = () => exh;

module.exports = {

Last updated