API Functions

Available since v1.4.0

API Functions enable you to create custom API endpoints using traditional Functions.

An API Function is a type of Function that can be triggered by a HTTP request. Instead of a Task for a traditional Function, an API Function will receive the HTTP request object as its input. The API Function can create an output object which resolves to a HTTP response.

Creating an API Function

In this example you will learn how to create, deploy and execute an API Function.


The following code snippet illustrates a basic API function that returns the HTTP method used for the request in the response.

exports.handler = async function (request) {
  const method = request.requestContext.http.method;

  return {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: {
      hello: `The request method was: ${method}`


Similar to traditional Functions, API Functions can be deployed by referring to the documentation provided in the Extra Horizon CLI: hello world (JS) example.


API functions can be executed by making requests to the /tasks/v1/api/<function_name> endpoint. This endpoint can be targeted using the common HTTP methods. The URL can be extended by appending additional path parameters and a query string.

The SDK can be used to execute the API Function using the following example:

const response = await exh.tasks.api.get('my-function', '/');

// response = { hello: 'The request method was: GET' }

Working with requests

The API Function receives the HTTP request as its input. The request is transformed to the standardized AWS API Gateway request format (version 2.0). By using this standardized format, we ensure that the API Functions can handle HTTP requests consistently across different programming languages.

Example API Function input

Here is an example of a request object received by an API Function as its input:

  "requestContext": {
    "http": {
      "method": "POST"
  "rawPath": "/my/path",
  "rawQueryString": "?parameter_a=value1&parameter_b=value2",
  "headers": {
    "x-exh-requesting-application-id": "58074811b2148f3b28ad75bd",
    "x-exh-requesting-user-id": "61fbe2a352faff0008aaf1e2",
    "content-type": "application/json",
    "content-length": "22",
    "my-custom-request-header": "my_value"
  "isBase64Encoded": true,
  "body": "eyJteV9yZXF1ZXN0X2tleSI6MTIzfQ=="

Request object properties


The requestContext.http.method field represents the HTTP method used to target the API function. Currently this can be any of the following values: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD and OPTIONS.


The rawPath field refers to the path portion of the URL that comes after the Function name.

For the following URL:


The rawPath value would be /hello/world


The rawQueryString field represents the unprocessed query string of the incoming HTTP request including the starting question mark.

For the following URL:


The rawQueryString value will be ?param1=value


The headers field represents the headers of the incoming HTTP request. It is structured as an object, where each key-value pair corresponds to a header name and its value.

The header names within the headers field are transformed to be all lower case, to ensure consistent and case-insensitive handling of headers.

Following headers are added by Extra Horizon when invoking the API Function:

  • x-exh-requesting-user-id contains the id of the user making the request.

  • x-exh-requesting-application-id contains the application id of the oAuth application

These x-exh-requesting- headers are guarded by the platform and can be trusted to be correct.

The following HTTP request will create the resultant header object:

GET /tasks/v1/my-function HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1024
    "content-type": "application/json",
    "content-length": "1024"


The isBase64Encoded property indicates if the body property of the request object has been Base64-encoded.


The body field represents the body of the incoming HTTP request as string. It can be Base64-encoded based on the isBase64Encoded property.

Always check the isBase64Encoded property to know if the body string needs to be Base64 decoded before usage.

No assumptions can be made for when the body is going to be Base64 encoded or not as it will vary.

Working with responses

An API Function is expected to generate an output object which will be resolved to the HTTP response. The output is defined by the standardized AWS API Gateway request format (version 2.0). By using this standardized format, we ensure that the API Functions can handle HTTP responses consistently across different programming languages.

Example API Function output

Here is an example response object of an API Function:

  "statusCode": 200,
  "headers": {
    "content-type": "application/json",
    "my-custom-response-header": "my_value"
  "body": "{\"my_response_key\":42}",
  "isBase64Encoded": false

Response object properties


The statusCode field resolves to the status code in the HTTP response. The value can be between the 200 - 499 range. If a status code outside of that range is passed, an INVALID_API_FUNCTION_RESULT error will be returned.


The headers field resolves to the headers in the HTTP response. It is structured as an object, where each key-value pair corresponds to a header name and its value.

If no Content-Type header is present in the output, application/json will be set as the default value. It is recommend to always explicitly set a Content-Type header in the response object.

Also for the Content-Type header, charset could automatically be added to the header value in some cases. For example text/plain could resolve to text/plain; charset=utf-8.

The Connection and Content-Length header values are ignored as they're automatically added to the response.


The body field resolves to the body in the HTTP response.

In order to include binary data within a body, such as images or audio files, it is necessary to convert it into a Base64 string and assign it to the body field of the response object. Additionally, the isBase64Encoded field must be set to true.

If the response body does not contain binary data, you can directly include the data in its original format.

If the isBase64Encoded field is set to true, any other value then a Base64 string in thebodyfield will result in an INVALID_FUNCTION_RESULT error.


The isBase64Encoded field must be set to true if the body field of the response object is a Base64 encoded string representing the raw response body.


To enable users to execute the function, appropriate permissions can be granted.

The executionOptions.permissionMode property of the Function determines the execution restrictions based on its assigned value.

Permission Modes

One of the following values may be assigned to the permissionMode property to enforce their respective execution restrictions.

permissionRequired A user requires a permission as stated in the user permissions section. This is the default permission mode.

allUsers A user must be logged in, but no permission is required.

public Any party may execute this function without any restrictions.

User Permissions

Permissions for executing an API function can be assigned two levels of granularity.

The EXECUTE_API_FUNCTION permission allows a user to execute all API functions.

The EXECUTE_API_FUNCTION:<function_name> permission allows a user to execute the API function specified by the <function_name>.

For further information regarding the application of permissions to users please refer to global roles.


An API function allows for direct control over the HTTP response. However standard errors may still occur. For instance the INVALID_FUNCTION_RESULT error mentioned before.

It is possible to receive errors related to problematic code, such as invalid syntax or unhandled exceptions within the API Function. These present themselves as a LAMBDA_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION including the original error.

    "code": 1406,
    "message": "Invoking the Lambda function resulted in a runtime error.",
    "runtimeError": {
        "name": "Runtime.UserCodeSyntaxError",
        "message": "SyntaxError: Unexpected token ';'"

Further Examples

Working with the request body

As explained in the section about the request object, the body could be base64 encoded to support the reception of various content types. Consequently, to consume a received request within the function, it is necessary to pre-process the request body.

export function handler(request) { 
  // Respond with an error if the Content Type is not plain text
  const contentType = request.headers['content-type'];
  if (!contentType || !contentType.startsWith('text/plain')) {
    return {
      statusCode: 400,
      body: {
        message: 'Only plain text input is expected'

  // Transform the request body if needed
  let bodyString = request.body;
  if (request.isBase64Encoded) {
    const buffer = Buffer.from(request.body, 'base64');
    bodyString = buffer.toString();
  // Respond with a JSON object containing a message
  return {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: {
      message: `Request body received: ${bodyString}`

Complex requests, responses and routing

API functions offer a wide range of possibilities, including the ability to create full web services. The request is transformed to the standardized AWS API Gateway request format (version 2.0). By using this standardized format, allows the usage off existing 3th party packages to seamlessly integrate complex logic.

For instance when using the Node.js runtime, request routing can be implemented using a package like serverless-http and a popular web framework. Below is an example of an express simple web service as an API Function.

const serverless = require('serverless-http');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send('Hello World!')

module.exports.handler = serverless(app);

Please note that we are not affiliated with any of the specific packages mentioned above.

Creating an API Function with the CLI

Managing Functions is greatly simplified by the Extra Horizon CLI. A very basic API Function can be generated by the following command:

exh tasks create-repo my-api-function-name --repo https://github.com/ExtraHorizon/template-api-function


Available since v1.5.0

Every request made to an API Function is logged as an API Request, similar to how normal Function executions are saved as Tasks. These API Requests provide valuable information about the executed requests. The logs that an API Function generates during its execution are saved as API Request Logs.

API Requests

API Requests are a summary of the requests made to API Functions. They can be helpful to monitor and debug API Function calls.

The SDK can be used list API Requests using the following example:

const response = await exh.tasks.apiRequests.find();

Example of an API Request

    "id": "64a2bb9a45f2a4622e065558",
    "functionName": "my-function",
    "method": "POST",
    "path": "/my/path",
    "userId": "61fbe2a352faff0008aaf1e2",
    "applicationId": "58074811b2148f3b28ad75bd",
    "timestamp": "2023-07-03T12:14:17.511Z",
    "statusCode": 400,
    "error": {
        "type": "response",
        "message": "The status code is expected to be a number between 200 and 499. Returned value: 500"
    "duration": 1.098

API Request Properties


The functionName refers to the name of the API Function that was invoked in the request.


The method field represents the HTTP method used to target the API function.


The path field refers to the portion of the URL that comes after the Function name. The query string will be included in the path.

For the following URL:


The path value would be hello/world?param1=value


The userId field refers to the id of the Extra Horizon user that has performed the request.


The applicationId field refers to the id of the Extra Horizon oAuth application that has performed the request.


The statusCode field refers to the status code of the API Function's response or of a thrown error during its lifecycle


The timestamp field refers to the time the API Function was executed.


The duration field is the duration of the API Function execution in seconds.


When an error occurs during an API Function Request the error object is logged.


The error type defines where the error occurred during the API Function lifecycle and can have one of the following values:

  • invocation: errors that occur before invoking the API Function

  • runtime: errors that occurred during the execution of the API Function

  • response: errors that occur during the response validation after the API Function has been executed


The name of the caught error


The message of the caught error

API Request Logs

API Functions may include logging statements during execution. These logs are saved as API Request Logs.

The SDK can be used list API Request Logs using the following example:

const response = await exh.tasks.apiRequests.logs.find(apiRequestId);

Example of an API Request Log

    "message": "2023-07-03T12:24:36.474Z\tc8f9dc92-8df1-4cf9-a4a6-02abd2301ae7\tINFO\thello world!\n",
    "timestamp": "2023-07-03T12:24:36.474Z"

API Request Log Properties


The timestamp field refers to the time the log was printed.


The message property contains the message being printed.


Request and response size

The request and response sizes are both limited to 6 Megabytes, after conversion to the standardized formats.

Function configuration

Unlike normal Functions API Functions are limited to a timeLimit of 30 seconds.

HTTP Methods

Currently the API Functions only support the GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS and HEAD HTTP methods.

Status Codes

Currently the API Functions only support the status codes between 200 and 499.

RQL on the API Requests Logs endpoint

The RQL that can be used on the API Requests Logs endpoint is limited to only the ge operator in combination with the timestamp field.

Missing API Requests

We prioritize providing the API Function result over saving the API Request. In the rare case that saving an API Request fails, no error message will be provided and the API Request record will be missing.

Last updated

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