Mail Service
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The Extra Horizon Mail Service is used to automatically compose and send emails in response to specific actions, such as user registration. These emails are either composed of plain-text entries or are based on a (multi-lingual) template from the Template module. The latter also enables the use of localization keys for language selection, as explained in the Localization Service guide.
The Mail Service collects all data required to compose an email and to complete the sending process in a temporary object. Only a selection of (meta)data remains available in a permanent object (Mail) for record-keeping purposes:
Metadata such as a unique identifier (id
), a reference to the User that made the request (creator_id), some information regarding the sending process with AWS (aws_message_id
) and the views attribute used for email tracking,
Contact information for sender and recipient(s), and
Content-related data.
The Mail object includes the email addresses of the sender and intended recipients of the email. The attributes used to provide these are:
: The email address of the sender of the email,
: An optional array of one or more email addresses to which a reply will be directed, and
: An object to specify the three types of recipients of the email (to, cc, and bcc). Each of these are specified as arrays that can contain multiple email addresses.
An email has two textual elements: the email subject and the body. Which attributes are used to represent these texts depends on how the email was composed.
Plain-text email
The content of plain-text emails is directly provided as strings in the Send an email request. These values are stored in the respective attributes: subject and body. Note that this method of creating emails does not support HTML.
Template-based email
Mail objects for template-based emails store a reference to the chosen Template (template_id) and the raw data required to resolve this Template: the content key-value pairs and/or the language code. In addition, the resolved text for the subject is stored to facilitate querying.
Tip: The body attribute can be used as a fallback solution to provide plain text to users without HTML support.
Attachments can be included in an email by specifying a file name and Base64 encoded binary data (content) in the Send an email request. However, this data is not stored in the permanent Mail object. They are only passed on to the temporary object that is used to compose and send the email. An Attachment consists of a filename, Base64 encoded binary data (content) and a MIME type.
All Extra Horizon Services keep track of the time of creation (creationTimestamp
) and of the most recent update (updateTimestamp
) of their stored objects.
Note: The timestamp attributes in the Mail Service have a number format, whereas other services use a string($date-time) format.\
The number of times an email is opened by the recipient(s), can be tracked by adding an (invisible) image to the email, such as a transparent, 1px by 1px “tracker pixel”. Every time this image is downloaded, the views counter for this email increases by one. The unique string value that links the image to the correct Mail object, is called a tracking hash code.
Tracking of template-based emails with a hash code involves the following steps:
The customer’s application or an Extra Horizon service makes a template-based Send an email request to the Mail Service.
The Mail Service makes the Resolve a Template request to the Template Service. By default, it adds a unique tracking_hash code to the content parameter.
The Mail Service uses the response to compose and send the email. If the used Template implements the tracking_hash code correctly, the email will contain a tracker pixel.
When the email is opened, a request containing the hash code is sent to the customer’s application to download the image.
The customer’s application must use the tracking_hash code in the Register an email being opened request. As a result, the number of views in the associated Mail object increases with one.
Tip: Be aware that loading the image only implies interaction with the email and does not guarantee the email was viewed or read. In addition, image loading must not be blocked by the receiving party in order to track views.
Tracking of plain-text emails is not enabled in this service.\
To enable email tracking of a type of template-based emails, the associated Templates must be designed as follows in the Template Service:
The tracking_hash
variable is declared in the schema of the Template, and
The fields.body
attribute contains HTML code for an image of which the src is a hyperlink to the customer’s application. This URL must include $content.tracking_hash
The sections below give an overview of the available Mail Service endpoints. The full descriptions, including the required permissions and/or scopes, can be found in the API reference documentation.
The Mail Service accepts two parameter schemes to specify the content of an email: plain text-based or template-based. In the latter case, the Mail Service will first resolve the template, before sending the email via the AWS email functionality.
Note: AWS imposes some restrictions on the emails it sends. For example, the maximum message size is 10 MB and the amount of recipients must lie between 1 and 50. More information is available in the Amazon SES API Reference
When implementing a tracker pixel to count the number of times an email is opened, the below endpoint must be called with each download of the included image. This increases the views value of the associated Mail object by one.
The existing Mail objects can be retrieved (or queried) via the following endpoint.