API interaction (Python)

Simple example on how to interact with the Extrahorizon API using python

The Extra horizon SDK currently does not support Python, but fear not: it's perfectly possible to interact with the platform through our API!

At https://docs.extrahorizon.com/extrahorizon/api-reference/api-specs you'll find the complete API documentation.

Have a look at the following example which simply prints your user information. Then we'll go over it step by step.

from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session
import os

def handler(event, context):
    exhConsumerKey = os.environ['CONSUMER_KEY']
    exhConsumerSecret = os.environ['CONSUMER_SECRET']
    exhAccessToken = os.environ['ACCESS_TOKEN']
    exhTokenSecret = os.environ['TOKEN_SECRET']

    oauth = OAuth1Session(client_key=exhConsumerKey,

    result = oauth.get('https://<your.extrahorizon.url>/users/v1/me')

There are 2 methods of make authenticated calls: OAUTH1 & OAUTH2. The easiest way for a task to interact with the API is through the use of OAUTH1 tokens. These tokens can be generated offline and do not expire unless you regenerate them. This saves you from having to refresh & store tokens, which is the case with OAUTH2.\

Getting credentials

    exhConsumerKey = os.environ['CONSUMER_KEY']
    exhConsumerSecret = os.environ['CONSUMER_SECRET']
    exhAccessToken = os.environ['ACCESS_TOKEN']
    exhTokenSecret = os.environ['TOKEN_SECRET']

There are 4 different credentials passed to the task through environment variables. Of these, CONSUMER_KEY & CONSUMER_SECRET are system-wide credentials identifying the OAUTH1 application. These are usually communicated by Extra horizon after commissioning.

ACCESS_TOKEN & TOKEN_SECRET are personal tokens which you need to generate. This is fairly straightforware using the Extra horizon API. Using the terminal and curl, you can do:

curl -X POST https://<your.extrahorizon.url>/auth/v2/oauth1/tokens  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "email": "<youremail>", "password": "<yourpassword>" }'

Note: replace <your.extrahorizon.url> , <youremail>, <yourpassword> with your actual values.

which will return something of the form


Get the token & tokenSecret values and pass them to your task as ACCESS_TOKEN & TOKEN_SECRET.

Setting up an OAUTH1 session

    oauth = OAuth1Session(client_key=exhConsumerKey,

Here we're using the requests_oauthlib python library to create an oauth session for us. See also here for more information regarding the OAUTH1 workflow.

Executing an API call

And then finally we can do our API call & print the result. Again, replace the host with the actual url of your Extra horizon installation.

    result = oauth.get('https://<your.extrahorizon.url>/users/v1/me')

That's it, now you're ready to 🚀!

Last updated