Stripe offers 2 different APIs for payments :

In our code base we have implemented both APIs. The preferred is the payment intent API.

As of September 2019, a regulation called Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) requires businesses in Europe to request additional authentication for online payments. Businesses in Europe must start building their Stripe integrations with the Payment Intents and Payment Methods APIs instead of the Sources API to be ready for these rule changes.

Usage guide

Complete a basic payment for a basic order

  1. Make a product (when no product exist in your environment) POST /products

  2. Create an order linked to a payment intent POST /stripe/paymentIntents with in the body the property productId with the value from the product of step 1

  3. In the response body from the request, in step 2, will be the property stripeClientSecret store its value as well as the orderId

  4. Poll the order page with the id (from step 3) GET /orders?id=... until the response contains the property status with value task_started (if it never changes to task_started, contact the Extra Horizon team)

  5. You have now successfully completed a payment for an order

Payment in a currency different from the default (EUR)

  1. Make a product POST /products with the body containing "prices": { "eur": { "amount": 1000 }, "usd": { "amount": 1500 } }

  2. Create an order linked to a payment intent POST /stripe/paymentIntents with the body containing "productId": ...(from step1), "currency": "usd"

  3. Follow step 3, 4, 5 and 6 from "Complete a basic payment for a basic order"

  4. You have now successfully completed a payment with a currency different from the default (EUR)

Payment method type different from the default (card)

In this service we have implemented 4 different payment method types from the api: The default payment method type is card (visa, mastercard, ...). The other 3 supported types are: bancontact, giropay and ideal.

  1. Follow step 1 from "Complete a basic payment for a basic order"

  2. Create an order linked to a payment intent POST /stripe/paymentIntents with the body containing "productId": ...(from step1), "paymentMethodType": "bancontact"

  3. Follow step 3 and 4 from "Complete a basic payment for a basic order"

  4. Follow step 6 from "Complete a basic payment for a basic order"

  5. You have now successfully completed a payment with a different payment method type (bancontact) than the default (card)

You can repeat the process above but instead of specifying bancontact as the paymentMethodType (in step 2) specify giropay or ideal. You'll need to use the respective confirm...Payment method in step 4.

See documentation for more information about the confirm..Payment method: bancontact giropay ideal

Recurring payments

First create a payment intent with the setupPaymentMethodReuse option set to offSession:

POST /stripe/paymentIntent

  "productId": "5ce26e7a2b9e674d0c7fd3d6",
  "setupPaymentMethodReuse": "offSession"

Use the returned stripeClientSecret to complete the payment with Stripe.

Then the payment_method returned by Stripe can be submitted reuse it later on:

POST /stripe/users/5d3f321b59080100065b2ee7/paymentMethods

  "stripeId": "pm_1FPngmI6N8mPcPA74shsTsmP"

Now that the payment method is saved it can be used for future payments.

The saved payment method can be specified during the creation of a payment intent. Adding the paymentMethodId and offSession: true to the request make the API try to automatically complete the payment intent:

POST /stripe/paymentIntent

  "productId": "5ce26e7a2b9e674d0c7fd3d6",
  "paymentMethodId": "5d961cd8adf66e0402c188ca",
  "offSession": true

Setup payment details without initial payment

First create a setup intent with the setupPaymentMethodReuse option set to offSession:

POST /stripe/setupIntents

  "setupPaymentMethodReuse": "offSession"

Use the returned stripeClientSecret to complete the setup with Stripe using the confirmCardSetup method in stripe.js.

Last updated