
Localizations are short text-snippets identified by a unique key, which have multiple translations into different languages. We can manage localizations through the localizations service. In the context of templates, we can use localizations to create localize-able templates. In templates, we represent localizations in curly brackets. Take the following template for example, where we use a localization with key greeting:

    "id": "5cff960c46e0fb0007b45cc4",
    "schema": {
        "type": "object",
        "fields": {
            "first_name": {
                "type": "string"
    "fields": {
        "message": "{{greeting}} $content.name,"

In comparison to our previous email template, we have now changed our greeting Dear with the key to a greeting localization. This means we can now fill the greeting localization with whatever translation of a greeting we want. Imagine we ask the template service to resolve our template in Dutch by using the following request call:

POST /5cff960c46e0fb0007b45cc4/resolve/NL

with the following request body:

    "content": {
        "first_name": "John"

The template service will lookup the greeting localization in the localization service, which will in turn respond with the following localization:

    "key": "greeting",
    "text": {
        "EN": "Dear", 
        "NL": "Beste"

Eventually, the resolver will put everything together correctly and respond with the following resolved template:

    "message": "Beste John"

Or, if we asked the resolver to resolve the template in English:

POST /5cff960c46e0fb0007b45cc4/resolve/EN

    "message": "Dear John"

#Localizations with arguments

Because of grammar rules in certain languages, the order of words in a sentence can differ. Of course, this poses a problem for our previous implementation of localizations. Sometimes a localization will need to determine the exact placement of variable content in a string. Therefore localizations can accept arguments:


    "id": "5d00e7da46e0fb0007b45cc8",
    "schema": {
        "type": "object",
        "fields": {
            "first_name": {
                "type": "string"
    "fields": {
        // Template string is just the localization with an argument now
        "message": "{{greeting,$content.first_name}}"

With the following localization:

    "key": "greeting",
    "text": {
        "EN": "Dear $1",
        "NL": "Dear $1",

Notice how the localization now uses the $1 variable. The variable $1 could be anywhere in the string, the template service now knows by the positioning of the $1 variable exactly where it should place the content string.

If resolved for English:

POST /5d00e7da46e0fb0007b45cc8/resolve/EN

    "content": {
        "name": "John"

will yield the following response:

    "message": "Dear, John"

Last updated