Hello world (JS)


First let's create a simple hello-world script. We are creating a function called handler() that we act as the entryPoint of our Function. Our goal is to print a simple "hello world" to the console.

    console.log('hello world');

If you are using visual studio code, this should look something like this:

Deploying with the ExH CLI

You can deploy it to the task service using the EXH CLI Tool.

exh tasks sync --name hello-world \
   --code= my/directory \
   --entryPoint=index.handler \

To create a function we need to provide:

  • Function name (name)

  • Reference to the directory containing the (built) code (code)

  • The entryPoint in this case our handler function in the index.js file (entryPoint)

  • The runtime needed to run our code (runtime)

You can see a hello-world function has been created in the task service. See the Tasks page on how to create a task and run it.


  • When synchronizing your task, make sure that you also include the node_modules directory if necessary

  • Make sure not include any developer dependencies when bundling your task. Otherwise the size of your task might be too big (there is a 10MB limit). You can easily strip developer dependencies by using npm install --production or yarn install --production

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