Postman Reference Collection

For your convenience we also provide the API specification as a Postman collection, to interact quickly and easily with the API.

You can download the collection here

How to use the Postman Collection

Step 1: Import the collection in Postman

  1. Open Postman and click on the "Import" button

  2. Select the exh-postman-collections.json from your filesystem

  3. Confirm the import by clicking the orange "Import" button

  4. The Extra Horizon postman collection is now available

Step 2: Create a Postman environment that stores your credentials

The Extra Horizon API offers oAuth1 and oAuth2 authenthication mechanisms. The Postman collection contains some logic to facilicate using the endpoints.

Create a new Postman environment that contains the following variables:










Don't forget to save the environment!

After creating the environment, make sure it is selected in the top-right dropdown before continuing.

To learn more how to manage different environments, take a look at the Postman Documentation on Environments.

Step 3: Execute the authentication call

Open and execute the Create OAuth1 token HTTP Request. If all environment variables are set correctly, this call will return successfully a token and tokenSecret that you should use in subsequent requests.

The token and tokenSecret variables are automatically stored in the environment. Other requests reference to these variables.

Last updated