

A Localization will be represented by the localization service as a JSON-object of the following form:

    "key": "mail_greeting",
    "text": {
        "EN": "Hi",
        "FR": "Bonjour",
        "NL": "Beste",

With key being a unique string to identify the localization, and text being an array of possible translations of the localization into different languages.


The localization service allows for the basic CRUD operations on localizations, as wel as retrieving available languages. For more information consult the API Reference (opens new window).

Specific case: retrieving a bulk of translated keys

It's also possible to request localizations of multiple keys in a specified languages. The default language (EN) is always included as a fallback in case there is no translation available for the specified language.


POST /request

    "localization_codes": [
    "localizations": [


    "mail_greeting": {
        "EN": "Hi",
        "FR": "Bonjour"
    "mail_subject": {
        "EN": "Your purchase",
        "FR": "Votre achat"

Last updated